Bussines Angels


Last week I attended a conference for youth in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. It was great and efficient for me, because I joined the youth community of a local civic organisation which consists of economists, accountants, brokers and other professionals in the field of economy, but their target group does not resume only to this category. This community wants to inspire young people to take action by answering questions like: “What is the point of youth involvement?”, “Why is it important to work together?” and “How can we inspire and learn from each other. They promote young people’s ideas in the community; they organise conferences, meetings and clubs.

Some members from this community have a very interesting idea. They believe that young people are the most important resource of our community that will shape the future. They would like to develop a mentoring program for youth people. Objectives of the program are: knowledge transfer between generations, strengthening the national network of business relationships, supporting young people in personal development, transfer of experiences to the youth. The concept of the mentoring program is “we work together”. During the program participants have the opportunity to receive business or career guidance and personal consultation. It aims especially young entrepreneurs and graduate students. The program is free for every participant.


  • New contacts (with mentors)
  • Increase business success and profitability
  • Access to know-how


  • Personal development
  • New contacts (with other mentors)
  • Future collaboration opportunities

I think it is a very good program, as it offers both the mentors and other young participants a very good opportunity to acquire professional experiences. As young people, we need support to build relationship networks, to have learning and training possibilities.

16th of November 2015, Bajko Beata, 26 years old, Cluj Napoca, RO

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