For me, volunteering…
| Kadi Alikas |As I have been a volunteer before and as I am determined to do what matters to me and to do it now, it took me a fraction of second to decide whether to participate in a European Voluntary Service project or not…and here I am, together with other amazing volunteers from different countries in Europe. We are working as a team to inspire youngsters to go abroad and be a part of something uniquely exciting. We do not want them to sit and wait for things to happen, we want them to go out there and make them happen for themselves…and we want to make a difference to those people we have already met or will meet at schools, in youth centres and in the public.
For me, volunteering is an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, meet new people, do something I am passionate about, and get to better know myself. It is also an opportunity to discover all the things I like and that I would have never discovered otherwise. I know that this project will teach me a lesson that is not written down in academic books and that it will be an enriching and highly rewarding experience – the kind of experience that is difficult to put into words in order to truly describe it. I will cherish it and enjoy it to the fullest .
One amazing thing I have done so far during my EVS project: Water running inside of an inflatable ball at Lake Šmartinsko
Kadi Alikas
EVT vabatahtlik Sloveenias, mai kuni juuli 2015