Register for project events!
30th of March 2015, Riga, Latvia
Youth conference “Awareness and education base creation about social capital as a tool for civil society development”
Number of participants: 76-100, around 24 for Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Romania.
Target audience: youth.
Agenda: Youth Conference [PDF]
Register for the event here.
31st of March 2015, Riga, Latvia
Round table discussion “Social capital”
Target audience: youth workers
Number of participants: 51-75, around 16 from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Romania.
Agenda: Round Table Discussion with Youth Workers [PDF]
Register for the event here.
12th May 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Rumania
Round table discussion “Civic participation”
Target audience: youth workers
Number of participants: 51-75, around 16 from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland.
Agenda: Discussions on Civic participation [PDF]
3rd June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Seminar, research “Youth understanding of social capital” creation, test and analysis
Target audience: youth workers
Number of participants: 25-50, around 12 from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Romania.
Agenda: Workshop for youth workers [PDF] Register for the workshop here.
September 2015, Rybnik, Poland
Conference “Innovation in the voluntary work”
Target audience: youth
Number of participants: 76-100, around 24 for Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Romania.
January 2015, Riga, Latvia
Training “European citizen initiative”
Target audience: youth workers
Number of participants: 25-50, around 12 from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Romania.
March 2016, Marijampole, Lithuania
Conference “Social capital development tools including information technologies”
Target audience: youth
Number of participants: 51-75, around 16 from Estonia, Poland, Romania and Latvia.
May 2016, Tallinn, Estonia
Wrap-up of round table discussions and information dissemination
Target audience: youth
Number of participants: 76-100, around 24 for Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Romania.